In daily life, genuine leather is widely used. Leather products are needed for shoe making, clothing, bag, clothing, furniture, automobiles, airplanes, shipbuilding, military industry, etc. Its production often requires cutting various shapes. Traditional manual cutting is very inefficient and usually requires a lot of physical effort. More importantly, the effect is not ideal. With the rise of vibrating knife cutting machines, it can achieve very ideal cutting effects through control precise and adjustment, greatly improving processing speed and efficiency.
As the first vibrating knife cutting machine manufacturer in northern China, YUCHEN CNC has accumulated a very good industry reputation in terms of equipment stability and cutting performance. YUCHEN genuine leather vibrating knife cutting machine shows excellent performance for leather products of various shapes.
The Advantages Of YUCHEN Genuine Leather Cutting Machine:
1. YUCHEN’s assembly-line genuine leather cutting system uses a high-precision camera to take pictures to identify and extract the outline and defects of the leather;
2. Adopting an efficient automatic typesetting system, the cut pieces are automatically typed according to the leather priority level to maximize the utilization of leather;
3. The integrated picking table connected to the machine is equipped with a high-precision projection system for visual collecting of materials, which facilitates sorting and picking of materials and improves overall production efficiency;
4. Double beam cutting mode can be used to maximize production efficiency;
5. The contrasting color tablecloth uses green imported felt that has a high contrast with the real leather to improve the accuracy of outline recognition; increase friction and improve cutting accuracy.
The vibrating knife cutting machine can accurately cut the graphics you want according to the design. YUCHEN leather cutting machine can work continuously to maximize production output. Make the production of leather products simpler, more convenient and more efficient!